After school, we went to X10 office. He was very happy as I told him I would bring him to Masyarakat Penyayang where he could play at there. But he was asking me why not Bold.........he want to go to Bold again as he was happyly left Bold and did mention to me that he want to come to Bold.
Anyway, he was very enjoy at X10 office where have air-con and lay down at the sofa to have a small rest. I knew he should be tired after school (from 7.30am until 3.30pm).
The below photos are KJ's SWP
Which picture shows the finished tray? Did you invite the creator to comment or share what is going on in the tray?
ReplyDeleteThe first picture shows the finished tray. Yes, but the creator can't share out what is going on in the tray.
ReplyDeleteDid you comment (not interpreting) on the ongoing process? E.g. I notice you put the white and yellow car on the left hand bottom corner.... I can see a white snake coming out of the white car...I observed that there is no human beings here only a brown crocodile and a white snake..... etc etc. This 'commenting' may help the child to 'see' his own creation acting like a mirror for him/her helping to clarify his own thoughts and feelings that has been externalised onto the sand tray. It may also prompt the child to extend or elaborate on his creation.
ReplyDeleteI do not put any comment on the ongoing process. As I'm afraid that I will interpreting it and let him to my interpretation.
ReplyDeleteOk. I will try again to let him play and put comment on his creation.